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*Sneak Peek!* Miss McKinley!

I have decided to re-vamp myself and with that comes something FRESH! I have done many shoots in the past, and I am currently trying to get a gallery of past work on here. But on all my blog posts, I will only have my newest work.

My very first session back was with the GORGEOUS Miss McKinley! I have known her Mama for several years and when she got pregnant with Miss M. I was right in the middle of treatments and I just had no strength to do a Maternity or Newborn shots with her. That changed when I was ready to start back up! From the moment Mama opened her car door and I met this beautiful little girl, it was just instant smiles! I am not even exagerrating in any way. She and I just *clicked* (no pun intended) and she literally had my heart a flutter! She was such a Happy little Baby and her Mama was too!

I will let the images speak for themselves!

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