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Today's Letter - C

Today I asked the kids to help me in looking for something I could capture that started with the letter "C". Immediately I was met with all the "C" words both know by heart, Bella: "CAR!" Ben: "CARPET!" Bella: "CAMERA! Mom! You can take a picture of your camera!" Ben: "Bella, Mom can't take a picture of her camera when she is using it." Bella: "Oh yeah..." and then Ben quickly sensed her feelings and perked her right up by saying "How about CAT! You LOVE Cats so Mom can take pictures of Tigger!" and the turnaround worked. As the day progressed, (and I was taking photos of all the things the kids were suggesting) I noticed that while sibling mini-fights would break out here and there, for the most part, these two do actually CARE about what the other is thinking and feeling. Don't ask them to admit it though ;) We were at Michael's earlier and came across this Cardinal that Ben immediately fell in love with, I went ahead and purchased it for him because he is my little nature boy and I will nurture this as MUCH as I can, and it started with "C" too! I told him that since we got it, he would have to pose with it and he sighed dramatically and said "FINNNEEE!" but did so with a little smile on his face so I knew he didn't REALLY mind. We went out back after we returned from the store and started to take shots at different angles and he was having fun playing around with the little bird. After a few of my ideas I told him to hold it however he wanted. He brought the bird into his chest and when I asked him why he picked to hold the birdie like that, he explained simply that it was chilly out and the bird was probably cold too since they have "feathers and not fur." Little things kept popping up and anyone can tell that these two are totally done with being together all the time and are ready to get back to school and their friends. The last "incident" we had was with Bella being really upset because she had left something over at Grandma's house and with school resuming tomorrow, she was all upset that she wouldn't have it on her backpack like she had planned. Ben came out of his room and upon overhearing the conversation, he jumped in like big brothers do and started to tease that he would have his Dog clip and "nah-nah" she wouldn't have her Cat clip! Bella proceeded to get even more upset and as I was trying to calm both of them down and get them into bed, Ben looked at his sister and said, "Bella, I'm sorry, you can use my Dog clip if you want." and Bella, (being overly emotional and very tired) told Ben "Keep your dumb Dog!" and stormed into her room. Ben didn't let it get to him, (that he showed anyway) and went back into his room and got into bed. After I had tucked them both in and came out to update the dreaded Mommy calendar for the week, Bella slowly walked out into the living room and said "Mom?" and I responded and told her to come on over. She sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder and sighed all heavily. I asked what was wrong and she said simply "I was mean to Ben." now, I am all about lessons with my kids, and when they experience and actually recognize one, I try to let them run with it. I believe it helps build their character up and let's them choose the path they want to go down. So I simply responded with a "Well, what do you want to do about it?" and she took a minute, then got up and walked over to his room and called his name. He told her he was up and she walked into his room and I heard her say "Sorry Ben." and he responded with "I'm sorry you don't have your kitty" thus making me burst with Mom pride at their decisions to CARE enough about the other one enough to actually recognize their actions may have caused hurt feelings. Ben has always been more of a tender-hearted boy. He is very nurturing, in tune with his emotions and can pick up very quickly on how others around him are feeling. He has ALWAYS been this way, Even as a toddler if he was with 2 people and gave one a hug, he would run to the other and give them a hug too so they wouldn't feel left out. Ask him if he favors one persons food over the other and he will say "Both!". I love this quality in him and know that when he grows older it will be tested because he is a boy and boys aren't supposed to be like that per outdated ideology, but I hope and pray he keeps this quality going strong because at the end of the day, we should be caring to others, animal and human alike. We should be kind and fair to one another, not mean and selfish as some can be. We should hold the door open for a person when we see they are walking up behind us, we should help older people with their groceries, we should perform simple acts of kindness, and we should care if the little plastic birdies are cold because at the end of the day, we all want to feel loved and CARED about. So when I saw this particular photo when I was looking back on what we captured throughout the day I felt it fit perfectly to showcase the kind and sweet side of my nature boy, and his Cardinal. It also highlighted the theme of the day which was simply: Care for one another. 

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