Today's Letter - B
Both of my kids name start with B (totally unintentional!) so I was going to get them both together to take a photo but they weren't interested - at all. So then I thought I would take a photo of a bee because I am always calling them "My Bees" and then my flu reminded me who was boss, plus it's winter so who says I would even see one? I was a bit torn on what to take a photo of and then figured that the opportunity would present itself eventually. Backtracking a bit here, I've been slowly taking the Christmas stuff down but haven't been in a rush to get it done because A: I'm sick and B: I wanted to wait for the kids to go back to school so they could enjoy it for a few more days. I had explained this to Bella who was very bummed about the lights from outside coming down and told her I wouldn't take anything else until they started school again so they could keep looking at it. I think she's partly sad because her birthday is so close to the holiday so she thinks she gets "extra gifts" because a lot of times we see our family at a big group get together and they celebrate her along with the holiday. Well I walked by her room and I could hear her singing a made up song about why she loves Christmas so much. I quietly peek my head in her room and she had snuck a strand of lights I had put to the side to see if I could salvage them, (half the strand is burned out) and she had all her little babies on her bed and she was cradling some in her lap and they were all positioned like they were looking at the lights. So it made me decide on my subject of the day: Babies! Bella is the baby of the family and she's a tough cookie. She is very blunt and honest, she's stubborn as all heck and she is not your typical baby girl. I was a tomboy growing up and while she is a lot like I was, she's very much a fan of pink (I was NOT) and she loves dresses and getting her hair done, but she will run outside and play sports and run with her brother and play boy games right along with him. This past year she has softened up a bit, before she had zero interest in dolls of any kind and now she really enjoys playing with her them and she also has her selective plush kitties that she tucks in with her every night before I tuck her in myself. I remember when I would play with my dolls and how I longed to be a Mommy one day and while things may have not gone the way I thought they would, they went the way they were supposed to because I got Bella as my daughter. She is my little sidekick and we are very close. Have been since she was a baby really, and I pray that when she gets older it will stay this way and we won't be separated by the great teenage divide. As I watched her with her babies tonight, she did this little thing that I do at night with both my kiddos and it just reminded me that your babies really do watch everything you do. Even the little things you don't think they pay attention to. She took a little decorative candle that lights up in different colors and has glitter inside it like a snow globe, and had all her babies on her lap, and she told them that she "will always watch them and be their light when they are scared of the dark" and it's something I always say to my kids when their fears get to them at night. So I grabbed my camera from my room and snapped this pic really quick to remember the moment because I knew she would hear the camera and it would be gone. When she looked up at me, she smiled and said "what??" In her adorable little way and I played it off. She then got up, came up and hugged me. Then asked how I felt. She was being such a good little Mommy to me that it made me extremely proud because I know that one day, she will be one amazing Mommy. But as I led her back to her little babies and we sat down to play, I reminded myself that day was NOT today. Today she was MY Baby and I was beyond blessed to have her 👩👧💕👸🏼