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Color Me Mine

Ever since I was a kid I have loved creating. Whether it be spin art, tye-dye, scrapbooking, word art on my Traper Keeper or in letters to my friends during high school, (shhhh!), graphics for friends, website templates, advertising of all sorts, invitations of all kinds, painting, and even painting clay items. Every year my Mom has a couple of homemade ornaments that she hangs on her trees from when I was in Bible Study in California as a young one, till I was in my teens! I love making them every year, especially now as a Mom. I have done the handprint ball, I let the kids each pick a "special pine cone" when we went away on a vacation one year and had them paint those and I am always looking for new and inspiring things to do. Who do I get this from? My Mama. She is a creative work of art and one day I WILL do a post all about her work so I can show you her masterpieces myself, however, today I want to talk about the one tradition she has always done with her Grandbabies.

When Ben was about 3-4 she took him to Color Me Mine down over in Hyde Park in Tampa. Very fun place! However, my one suggestion if your child is between 2-6 take them on a solo one on one date. That's what she has done and every time I have come by this place, I loved the little pieces and wanted to do them with the kids. Well, this year Bella turned 4 and my Mom took her to do her one on one piece with Grandma. Bella did a wand and it was ready today so we came to pick it up.

While we were here, Ben came up with the idea that he wanted to paint another piece and it was this tiny little thing and they have a great selection of them so I thought, why not? We can do a family set. One to represent each child of mine including my daughter Sophia who is an Angel in the Sky <3

We picked out our pieces, and we were off!

Now, here is why I say you should bring your little ones solo when you come to a place like this. Not only is it a valuable time to spend with your young one, but it is also easier to admire their work and help out when they need it. Especially when it comes to siblings because we all know how competitive it can get. Luckily I had my Mom to help out with the task and all our pieces came out beautifully.

All and all it was a nice time and mostly everyone there is very nice, albeit very BUSY! Especially on a Sunday afternoon. I overheard someone say that there was a Groupon recently so that's why it was so slammed so I won't hold it against them for that because lord knows we all love a sale! I cannot wait till they are complete and I can get them into clear balls for our Christmas Tree this year to represent my little ones. Thanks for the memory Color Me Mine - Hyde Park and Thank You Mom for the idea and also the help! But I think I will leave it for you to continue on with the rest of the Grandbabies! ​​

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