*Sneak Peek!* Miss Savannah
So due to the nasty tropical storm we are experiencing here in Florida, I had to cancel a session I had been excitedly waiting for. Well, I woke up yesterday and saw that my client was told to stay home and she had her beautiful daughter with her as well. I quickly looked at the radar and jumped on Facebook to see if she would be interested in meeting while we had a lull in the rain. Mama DELIVERED! She even beat me to the location!
So when I say meet the beautiful and brave Jasandra and her beautiful daughter Savannah, I can say that in all honesty because not very many people would be willing to take their child out in "so-so" weather and attempt a photo shoot. But we NAILED it! Except for one shot we were trying to achieve, but I have plans for that to be done soon :)
Another client I have known for years! We met when she was newly engaged and she was looking to book a photographer. I didn't land the wedding because someone else gifted the bride and groom, but when I had heard the news J was expecting, I was able to do a home session with her that to this day is still one of my favs!
So the last time I saw Little Miss S she was still in her Mama's belly and this little one has a birthday coming up and needed some shots done ASAP. Mama and I delivered! Meet the Beautiful, Spunky Miss Savannah! Don't say I didn't warn you, but her smile and beautiful blue eyes will capture your heart!