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I Win.

For those that do not know me personally, you are about to. For the past 3 years I have been battling several health issues, but back in June of 2015 I got hit with news no one ever wants to hear at any point in their life. I had Cancer. It was the 2nd worse sentence I have ever heard in my life and I couldn't believe that I was hearing it. The next thing I knew, it was a round of meeting with specialists, creating a "Medical Treatment Plan", it was going through various oral medication, then the lovely chemotherapy. I was a battle not only for my body, but for my mind, my soul, my entire life. Everyday was nothing short of a battle. There were days I was so sick that I felt I was going to die. There were days that I was in so much pain that my child's hand barely touching me hurt. Then came the other battles, the battles of explaining it all to my 6 and 4 year old. The battle of making them understand why it couldn't be the way it was before. The battle of pulling away from everyone because I didn't want to burden them in some way. One day, my son ran up to me to hug me out of pure excitement, and knocked me right on the ground. That day hurt more than any cancer or autoimmune disease could do. I wrote a testimony on my Facebook that basically let all the frustration I had been building over the past year OUT. It was shared by my fellow Warriors, it was shared by Family, and Friends. I received messages from people I didn't even know telling me to keep fighting, to not let it win, to beat it instead.

Today I can say, I did just that. I won.

The battle may be over, but the war has just begun. I have a long way to go to get myself back into a healthy place not only physically, but emotionally, and spiritually. I will share later battles with you here. This is part of my healing and I hope you will walk with me in this journey.

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