Mr. and Mrs. Visnofsky
I love photography for SO many reasons, I love to capture memories, these little moments of time that are just so important to remember. I especially love when I meet someone, and I grow with them and their families. This is how Marisa comes into play. I met her back in her high school days when she was getting ready to go to Prom and I remember thinking that she was just the nicest, sweetest girl you could ever want to meet! Even back then she had this wisdom that seemed so beyond her years. She wasn't your typical high schooler that was moody and I never once had to coax a smile out of her. Because of Social Media, I was able to stay in touch with this young lady over the years [-and the others that I met on the shoot that day-] and I love that I have literally been able to watch this girl grow from a teenager, to a young adult, then one day last year, she announced that she and her boyfriend Brandon were having a baby! Sadly I was right in the middle of treatments and that was during my time away so I wasn't able to capture Maternity or Hayden's Newborn photos for her to cherish throughout her life and it broke my heart. So when she announced she was getting married we reached out to one another and I basically told her that she was going to get photographs of this Special Time in her life, whether she liked it or not ;)
The special day arrived and well, as with many things in this crazy thing called life, there were hiccups. First off, the main road to get to the park where she and Brandon were getting married was closed off and of course, I find out about this AFTER I was on the road and stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for 30 minutes [-Serious California traffic flashbacks!-] and finally when everyone was all together I was able to witness Brandon seeing his bride for the first time. I watched how happy they both were, how the love truly reached into their eyes when they looked at one another and my heart was just bursting while watching the scene unfold.

I am going to back up for a moment, because this is totally worth mentioning. At the beginning of the engagement, Marisa sent Brandon on a Scavenger Hunt. She left clues tied with their wedding colors on white roses for him of locations that had special meanings to both of them. The last stop was the park, on their wedding day, walking down the path to see his bride waiting at the end of it. This was the absolute cutest, most romantic thing I have seen and if I ever have the chance to do something like this for any kind of reason, I may have to snag her idea!

So, we were all getting into position when baby Hayden started to fuss a little, a moment was realized when the wrong bottle was grabbed. For anyone out there judging this moment, you are more than likely not a parent. Everyone makes mistakes, its a natural process of learning and most Mama's, [-especially Bride ones-] would freak out, stress, and some might even throw a B.F. [-if you don't know what that stands for, its from a Wayne's Brother Movie called "White Girls" and whenever the girls would get upset, they say they are going to throw a B.F. which stands for 'Bitch Fit' :D - Google the YouTube video of this scene, I promise you, it's FUNNY! You're welcome ;) -] OK, so if the future Mrs. Visnofsky was panicked in any way, she sure as heck wasn't showing it! She is breastfeeding so she did what any Mama will do when her baby is hungry, she feeds him.
We had to get started as we were already behind schedule and instead of passing baby Hayden off to someone else, Marisa and Brandon proudly stood together as not only Bride and Groom, but as Mom and Dad and it was beautifully awesome to see this couple step up to be married as a New Little Family.

We captured some great moments after the ceremony and then they were off again hand in hand to celebrate at their reception. At the end of the night, the newly minted Mr. and Mrs. went off on their honeymoon together - as The Visnofsky Family. Hayden was right there with them celebrating their "official" start as a family.

Congratulations to the both of you! I wish you all the happiness in the world and can't wait to see you grow together from Dad and Mom, to Husband and Wife and experience so many more important memories that I know this life has in store for you 3 <3
I hope you've all enjoyed the sneak peek! I would love your feedback! Please go on my Facebook or Instagram and leave some comments under the blog links or the photo's I've placed on there :)