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Savannah - Take Two

Since we had a little rain, (aka Hurricane Hermine) it got in the way of our shoot last week. We were a bit rushed and had to cut our time short so we wouldn't get poured on. We rescheduled for the following Saturday but that morning we woke up and the skies were still crying, therefore, we played it safe and decided to meet up during the week. I am happy to say that a few days later the sun was shining, there was a slight breeze and it was nice, bright and HOT! Good ole' Florida was back to the way it usually is during summer. Maybe I shouldn't say "nice and hot" since there really isn't anything 'nice' about being outside for 5 minutes and feeling like you need to retake that shower you took an hour ago.

Anywho, I met back up with Jasandra and beautiful little Savannah earlier this morning! She was such a trooper and I was able to get some shots that I had wanted to get. Not sure if I brought this up in my last post, but she is going to Disney World and so we had to do some Disney inspired shots.

I still can't believe she is going to be 3 :( I feel like it was just yesterday I photographed her Mama when Savannah was roughly the size of a sweet potato :(

But alas...time goes on and she is growing, whether we all like it or not! So in the meantime, we are just going to sit back, wash our Princess gowns, sip some tea, and enjoy this special time that will never be back. I always try to remember that saying that "this is the last day they are going to be this little, so cherish the moments!" I feel so blessed to be a part of her life because she is truly such a sweet, spunky,

energetic little girl with a smile and giggle that just melts your heart and puts a smile on your face.

I wanted to take a moment and mention some things about Jasandra, I have known her now for about 4 years when we met up for coffee to talk about her Wedding Photography. This Feisty Cubana and I clicked right away. Not just because we were both Cuban, but because we both have similar outlooks on life. I love getting on Facebook and seeing her posts because she is always full of empowerment, positivity, encouragement and she is a honest open book! How can you NOT get along with someone like that? She is a Beachbody Coach and I love seeing her empower women all around, and personally, I have seen her transform in so many ways and in such a focused positive way! If you would like to get in on some additional happiness and positivity in your life, check out her Facebook Page or her Blog!

Now, back to our little Princess session!

Mama found this awesome "3" balloon at Party City I believe and I now know where I will be going for all my number and letter balloons. It was so adorable and sturdy! Savannah even gave it a few tugs, you know, to make sure it could hold up to her standards! Princesses do not like things made up of poor quality! ;)

Then it was time for us to set up our tea party! Sadly, when we went to retrieve the items for HRH Savannah, some of the tea spilled out onto her trunk of dresses while riding in the Royal Carriage. It was time for a little hand wash and hang dry <3 ;)

Then it was actually time for a cup of tea! So was so excited to open that kettle up, it was truly darling. Even though she is little right now, I know that as she grows into a young lady she will cherish the fact that Queen Mama didn't hesitate to sit down and join her on the blanket for some yummy tea.

Cheers to a beautiful Mom and Daughter! I know you will have an amazing time at Disney Savannah, and that you will get to meet all your favorite Princesses, Disney Characters and make special moments with your Mommy and Daddy! Happy Early Birthday Princesa - *besitos!*

I hope you've all enjoyed the sneak peek! I would love your feedback! Please go on my Facebook or Instagram and leave some comments under the blog links or the photo's I've placed on there :)

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